Andrew James Walsh Memorial Trust Map of locations

Andrew James Walsh


Andrew sadly passed away in September 2000 at the age of 28. His sudden and untimely death was a profound shock to Andrew's family and friends; and he remains sorely missed by those that knew and loved him.

Andrew was a bright and dedicated teacher. He taught business studies at schools in Cheshire, Kent and Nottingham. His enthusiasm for his subject, and for his students' education, was infectious.

In addition to his deep commitment to education, Andrew was keenly interested in sports, representing his college (TASC) and British Colleges at hockey and being an active playing member of local hockey and cricket clubs in Kent. He was also very interested in various types of music, being a keen drummer and a member of a folk music band.

Andrew's greatest love was Lourdes. His first visited Lourdes in the south of France at the age of fourteen. After a serious bout of illness, he was sent by his home parish as part of the diocesan pilgrimage. Andrew was so taken by the activities with the sick there that he spent the entire week working long hours as a helper. He soon became an integral member of the Salford Lourdes family. His passion for Lourdes over 15 years as a brancardier with Salford and latterly with the HCPT (Handicapped Children Pilgrimage Trust) has influenced many others. Andrew was instrumental in dozens of young people becoming very active with Lourdes, and they remain so to the present day.

The colloquial name of trust, "Billy's Fund", is derived from a nickname given to a young Andrew by his best friend who was remarking on his resemblance to Bill Beaumont. The nickname followed Andrew through his school and university days, and in later years, through all those that knew him from Lourdes. Although it was never a name used by Andrew's family, they are more than happy to link it to the trust. It reflects the great support that they have received from all of Andrew's friends that continue to affectionately refer to him as 'Billy'.

Whilst nothing can fully compensate for our loss, we hope that we can preserve his memory in the most positive way possible - by enabling education throughout the developing world.

Signatures of Francis and Maureen Walsh
Francis and Maureen Walsh (Andrew's parents)